Ciconicco Via Crucis
The initiative of the Via Crucis, which began in 1979 through the work of the association “Un Grùp di amìs” had and continues to have as it aim the linking of the religious content of the subject it represents to its intrinsic cultural value with a continuing search for elements supporting the texts that are developed year on year, the choice of music, costumes and set designs.
The objective of this to create the conditions to provide the spectators participating in the representation of the Via Crucis or Way of the Cross with moments of intense reflection on the tragedy of the Cross and the message of hope that we can take from it. Initially, the Way of the Cross took place along the streets of the town as part of the traditional Good Friday procession.
Subsequently, the Passion Play was hosted on the square in front of the Church, finally finding its current location on the hills overlooking the village of Ciconicco. The actors participating in the Ciconicco Via Crucis are made up of townspeople of all ages and both sexes, ordinary people who in their daily life carry out a wide range of professional activities.
Associazione culturale “Un Grup di Amîs” | Via San Nicolò – 33030 Ciconicco di Fagagna (UD)
Tel: +39 0432 800147 | E-mail: | Website: | Facebook